When we went to speech in Bet, I was nervous because it was my first time going to speech and I didn't know what to do. Then I wasn't nervous anymore because Edward came with us (without him I would have been the only boy and I would've been shy). When they started the speech, I was kind of nervous and a little bit happy because I was the first to give my speech. Kids took a long time to finish their speeches. After speech we went to go eat and have free time.
The best part was when they had a dance at BRHS and people danced. I saw people dirty dancing. My friend wanted me to dance, but I didn't want to because it was scary and takarnarqeq. But she danced while I was watching people dancing. It was kind of fun and kind of boring because some of the songs were boring and we couldn't go to our rooms. We only had to saty in the dance and do nothing but dance, but we had lots of fun dancing. Lots of people danced and some people didn't, but they were watching and being bored. It started at 7:30 and quit at 10. We had lots of fun.